Sports Wig, Free Hold Design
Participating in sports or any type of activity outdoors can cause a bit of anxiety if you are wearing a wig. Having a comfortable and secure wig is essential for an active lifestyle. We offer sports wigs for people who play sports or take part in outdoor games and other activities.
Newport Hair Loss Center’s Free Hold Wig is perfect for a person that is constantly on the go. Our Free Hold wig is designed with the finest European Hair – forget glue, tape, scarves, and hats next time you want to play sports or be outdoors with your friends and family!
Active Lifestyle Sports Wig
Whether your hair loss is due to an illness or you are simply trying to achieve a new look, hair wigs give you an opportunity to live a happy life without even making you feel you are wearing one.
Newport Hair Loss Center, active lifestyle sports wigs are perfect for any high-intensity activity like swimming, yoga, tennis, Pilates, or just a normal day in the gym.
Our freehold cap was designed to be both comfortable and secure. Made from the finest European hair, you can wear our wigs during a windy day, or go for a swim. These custom made sport wigs are the standard for amateur and professional athletes!
Can I Play Sports with a Wig On?
Definitely. Like it has been mentioned above, you can always go about participating in sports with a wig on. If you are new to the world of human hair wigs, you may not have a good amount of knowledge about sports wigs. For your information, many soccer and basketball players also wear wigs.
Sports wigs are specially designed to help people who are either players or participate in sports and games as a hobby. Meticulously crafted by skilled designers, sports wigs offer maximum hold and security.
Even when you are playing soccer or basketball, the wig will remain secured in its place. In fact, you can do almost anything with a wig on without having worries that the wig may slip or fall off. At a wig store, you’ll come across a wide variety of wigs. But what you need is a high quality human hair wig, specially designed for sports people and athletes.
Playing Sports and Wearing a Wig are Actually Complementary
Loss of hair causes stress and takes away self-esteem. If you suffer from hair loss due to an illness or chemotherapy, you might experience a lack of confidence and self-esteem. While this is common in people with hair loss problems, wigs offer an ideal solution to cope with this difficult phase in your life.
Wearing a wig helps you get back your previous look. If you go swimming or attend the gym on a regular basis, you can continue with these activities exactly as you did before while wearing a sports wig.
Wearing a wig should not be a hindrance to your previous daily routine. Wigs are there to restore your previous lifestyle and give back the confidence that was lost. Just like exercising, swimming and working out makes you feel great, wigs also boost your confidence and self-esteem. That is exactly why both playing sports and wearing a wig are complementary.
Participating in sports and other outdoor activities with a sports wig on together make you feel best. It is only that you need to know how to wear your sports wig right and follow some necessary precautions to keep your wig in good shape.
Types of Sports You Can Play with a Sport Wig On
Before you go out looking for a sports wig, you should determine the nature of sports you will be playing. Some wigs are designed to play a certain kind of sports whereas there are others that support a wide range of both indoor and outdoor sports. There are wigs which have a specific design to support a range of water activities. You can wear these while swimming.
Given below are some useful tips that you can use to wear wigs while participating in various kinds of sports activities.
Water Sports:
Having a sports wig on, you can also participate in activities such as swimming and scuba diving. When you are in or under the water, the friction of water pulls on your hair. Sports wigs for water activities are designed to address this specific need in an effective manner.
Land Sports:
Football, volleyball and baseball fall into the category of land sports. If you play sports such as these, you can continue these activities even during a phase of hair loss. Sports wigs allow you to comfortably participate in all such land sports without any fear of slippage at all.
A lace front hair wig is the most ideal choice for playing these sports. Human hair wigs with a lace base allow the skin to breathe easily as you sweat while running around or jumping. The additional ventilation reduces scalp irritation and keeps you feeling comfortable.
Contact Sports:
Hair wigs can also be worn while playing contact sports such as judo, karate, boxing and other forms of martial arts. Since these sports happen to be quite rough, the wig needs to be worn in a proper manner. To prepare yourself effectively, you should seek the help of professional wig makers. A professional will guide you exactly how to wear a sports wig in this case.
Other Sports:
With a sports wig on, you can also participate in activities such as cycling and horseback riding. However, it is a good idea to use a helmet, as it will give extra protection to your hair restoration system.
If you plan to indulge in such sports on a regular basis, you should use a superior quality helmet which also offers utmost comfort. Wearing a helmet will not just protect your head against injuries, but it will also keep your hair wig secure.
Follow Proper Hair Wig Maintenance Routine
Taking good care of your sports wig is essential. Both before and after participating in a sports activity, you should give your hair wig proper treatment. Abiding by maintenance routine effectively will ensure you get the most out of your sports wig and keep it in excellent condition for a long time.
Wigs made from real human hair need exactly the same kind of care and attention as your own hair does. Using top quality shampoo and condition will prolong the life of your hair wigs. At the same time, you need to store your sports wig in a safe place and dry environment.
Avoid using any kind of spray on your hair wig, as it can damage the condition of the wig. For more tips, you should consult with a hair loss expert or a professional wig maker.
Read More Human Hair Wig Maintenance Tips
Are You Looking for an Active Lifestyle Sports Wig?
If you are in search of an expertly designed, high quality sports wig, you should head straight to Newport Hair Loss Center. Having offices in Los Angeles, Orange County, Newport Beach and San Diego, our hair loss center offers active lifestyle sports wigs, which are perfect for a wide range of high-intensity activities such as swimming, yoga, pilates or just a normal day in the gym. These wigs look and fit so well, that you will soon forget that you are actually wearing one.
Our special FreeHold Cap has been designed to be both comfortable and secure. Made from the finest quality of European hair, you can wear our sports wigs while swimming, working out at the gym, running, cycling etc. These custom made sports wigs are the gold standard for amateurs and athletes.
For more information on our FreeHold Design sports wigs, give our office a quick phone call or send us an email.
Beverly Hills
8383 Wilshire Blvd, First Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90211
240 Newport Center Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
4660 La Jolla Village Dr. Suite100
San Diego, CA 92122
Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.
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My daughter has alopecia. She has partial hair loss and does not want to shave. She wears wigs too. She plays tennis and we need to have a good grip-sports wig in a ponytail style with a band. We live in Los Angeles area. How does the wig stay in place?
Dear Lina, Thank you for your interest in our company and our sports human hair wigs. Please provide us with your phone number that we can call you back.