Hormone Hair Loss
When you start to lose hair in an amount that is higher than normal, you should not ignore the problem. There are several reasons why a man or woman experiences hair fall or hair thinning. Though a lot of people suffer from hair loss due to genetic disorders, age-related issues or medical conditions, hormone-induced hair loss is also common. If you have been wondering whether hormonal imbalances could lead to hair loss issues, this article is for you. Keep on reading to broaden your knowledge about the connection between hormones and hair loss, what type of hormonal changes cause hair loss in women, the causes of hormonal imbalance and how you can prevent and deal with this type of hair loss or hair thinning.
At the Newport Hair Loss Center, we frequently receive a lot of questions on different types of hair loss problems. It is crucial that you know how hormone-induced hair loss occurs and what steps you can take to control it.
Can Hormonal Imbalance Induce Hair Loss?
A lot of people lack clarity on whether an imbalance in hormone levels has a connection with hair loss. According to a recent study, it is now clear that instability in the hormone secretion levels can cause hair loss.
Androgenic alopecia affects a large number of women and men. Though the main cause for this type of male or female pattern hair loss is hereditary, it can also get induced as a result of abnormal hormone levels. Three hormones that are very well-known to have been associated with hair loss or hair thinning are testosterone, cortisol and thyroid. Abnormality in the secretion of any of these hormones could lead to male or female pattern hair loss.
To find out whether you suffer from hormone-induced hair loss, your doctor will need to conduct some simple tests in order to find out the level of testosterone, cortisol and thyroid in your blood. It is also for the doctor to determine what exactly is causing the hormonal imbalance.
Main Causes of Hormone Hair Loss
Both men and women suffer from hormone hair loss. But the abnormality in hormone levels can be triggered by a variety of reasons. Given below are some of the major reasons for hormone-induced hair loss.
Every woman has to go through menopause, which marks the end of the menstrual cycle. This is a time when the body of a woman undergoes many physical changes, as the hormonal levels increase or decrease. As a result of this, many women experience different types of side effects such as lack of sleep, mood swings, and hot flashes among others.
Hair loss or hair thinning is also a common symptom of the hormonal imbalance induced at the time of menopause. The hormonal changes can lead to just hair thinning or bald spots in women. However, hair thinning is more common than female pattern baldness. The thinning of hair can occur on any part of the head: top, front, and sides. In many cases, women also suffer from hair fall in large clumps. In menopausal women, the level of two hormones namely estrogen and progesterone reduces. Since these hormones are responsible for hair growth, their reduced levels take a toll and the speed of hair growth slows down. That is the reason why hormonal changes is the main cause of hair loss in menopausal women.
The hair of a pregnant woman looks soft, thick and shiny. This is because of the excess release of two hormones – progesterone and estradiol. These hormones are very good for hair growth. That is why pregnant women experience a notable growth of hair and the shedding of hair reduces.
But 3 months after the birth of the baby, things begin to change. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone and estradiol were high. As the levels decrease postpartum, the hormones attempt to go to a new normal. As a result of this massive decrease in hormonal levels, the hair loses its shine and becomes dry. In fact, the hormonal levels drop so drastically that the hair begins to fall in clumps. This is a common occurrence that every pregnant woman has to experience. However, the exact level of impact due to hormonal imbalance varies from one pregnant woman to another. Also, the hair lost during the postpartum period grows back.
Everyone knows that stress causes a lot of harm to the human body. Add to it the hair as well. An excessive level of stress also results in hair loss, induced due to the irregular secretion of various hormones.
When the human body experiences too much stress, it produces a hormone called cortisol. The molecules of the stress hormone attack hair follicles. Damage to hair follicles leads to hair loss and hair fall. Stress-induced hair loss is common in women of all ages. You may suffer from this type of hair thinning even before you reach the time of your menopause. Many young adult women lose their hair as a result of high cortisol blood levels due to excessive stress.
Given below are three different types of hair loss conditions that occur as a result of elevated levels of stress.
Alopecia areata:
This is a hair loss condition in which the human body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. As a result of this damage, the affected man or woman experiences severe hair loss.
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Telogen effluvium:
This hair loss condition results from an excessive amount of stress. Due to a high level of stress, the division and growth of cells in the hair follicle is halted, thereby causing loss of hair.
A person affected from this type of hair loss feels a strong urge to pull out his or her hair. Usually, this condition is caused due to a great deal of stress, negative emotions or loneliness.
Stress-related hair loss affects different people in different manners. As the level of stress increases, the severity of the hair loss also goes up. You may be wondering if hormonal hair loss caused by stress is temporary or permanent. The good news is that this type of hormone-induced hair loss is temporary. If you are able to bring the stress level under control immediately, the hair will grow back. Therefore, it is crucial to find out if your hair loss is due to stress. If that is the case, you should quickly adopt tips and strategies to reduce your stress level.
Read more about Trichotillomania (Pulling Out Hair)
Thyroid Disorder:
Irregular thyroid blood levels can lead to hair loss. It usually happens when the disorder (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) is severe and left uncontrolled. Abnormality in thyroid hormone levels affects both men and women. This type of hormone-induced hair loss does not affect just a specific portion of the head, but it impacts the entire scalp. The thyroid gland releases two key hormones, which are called Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4). When thyroid hormones become overactive, the affected person suffers from hair loss. As a result of abnormal thyroid levels, the hair becomes dry, brittle, dull, and thin.
Hair loss due to thyroid hormone irregularity is not permanent. Provided you get proper treatment for the disorder, the hair loss and hair thinning problem can be stopped and the regrowth of the hair can begin.
How to Prevent Hormonal Hair Loss
Now that you know how hormonal imbalance can cause different types of hair loss issues, you must be wondering whether or not you can prevent it. Definitely, you can prevent, control and reverse most hair loss and hair thinning problems that arise due to hormonal secretion abnormality.
Eat Well: When you experience hair thinning or hair fall due to hormonal imbalance, the first thing you should do is pay attention to your diet. Eat a balanced, low-fat diet to prevent hormonal hair loss. Include in your diet food items such as spinach, eggs, sweet potatoes, fish, walnuts, almonds etc. Consumption of Vitamin B6 and folic acid (iron) is also highly beneficial for good hair health.
Reduce Stress: Too much stress is very harmful for hair health. But there are several ways to control and reduce your stress level. If your hair loss is caused due to stress hormones, controlling your stress level will make a big difference. Doing exercise and yoga on a regular basis will dramatically reduce your stress. Other stress-reduction strategies include engaging in hobbies, listening to music, playing games and sports among others. If you find it difficult to handle the problem on your own, you should go for counseling by experts in the field.
Hydrate: Dehydration is extremely bad for hair health. If you plan to prevent hair loss due to hormonal imbalance, you should make sure your body stays well-hydrated. Avoid taking liquid food and drinks that contain high calories. While you drink at least 8-ounce glasses of water everyday, you should also cut down on your sugar intake in order to cope with your hair loss in an effective manner.
Use the Right Hair Shampoos: When you are dealing with hormone-induced hair loss, you should pay special attention to the type of hair shampoos you use. It is not just the hair shampoo, but you should also carefully select other hair care products that you use on a regular basis. Use high quality products for shampooing, cleaning and conditioning your hair for the best results.
Amani Hair is a well-known and reputed brand that manufactures a wide range of premium quality hair care products including Collagen Shampoo (1000 ml, 200 ml), Keratin Balsam (1000 ml, 200 ml), Styling Mousse, Maroccanol, Biotin System Package etc. For all these hair products and many more, check out the “Hair Care Products” section on our website.
At Newport Hair Loss Center, we provide a wide range of products as well as expert advice for long, strong and shiny hair. Feel free to reach out to one of our experts in Los Angeles, Orange County or San Diego.
Is it Possible to Reverse Hormonal Hair Loss?
Yes, it definitely is. But it depends on how soon you take preventive action. Provided you identify your hair loss due to hormonal imbalance in time and take the necessary steps, you will be able to reverse the hair loss. Most hair loss problems due to abnormal hormone secretion are temporary and will go away.
While you wait for the hair to grow back, you should start using human hair wigs to hide your partial or complete hair loss or male and female pattern baldness. At Newport Hair Loss Center, we bring you the highest quality of hair wigs made from 100% original unprocessed European human hair. These hair loss wigs are expertly designed to provide you with the highest level of comfort.
Our broad human hair wig collection includes hair loss wigs, top pieces and hair extensions for men, women and kids.
Talk to an Expert
If you suffer from hormonal hair loss, feel free to talk to one of our experts to collect tips and ideas on how to deal with the problem and how you can expedite the process of hair regrowth for strong, shiny and beautiful locks. At Newport Hair Loss Center, you will find one of the broadest ranges of human hair wigs for men and women as well as kids who deal with hair loss problems.
For your free consultation, give our office in Los Angeles, Orange County or San Diego a phone call or write us an email.
Beverly Hills
8383 Wilshire Blvd, First Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90211
240 Newport Center Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
4660 La Jolla Village Dr. Suite100
San Diego, CA 92122
Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.
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That’s good thing to know about the solutions to combat hair loss problems due to harmonal imbalances and thanks a lot for sharing