An Experts’ Guide to Buying Wigs in 2023
Over five thousand years, the fashion of wearing wigs has had its ups and downs, but nowadays it is very popular around the world. However, they have never been this complicated! That is why we need some help before choosing our wig. If you haven’t bought one yet, or even if you have, this complete experts’ guide to buying wigs in 2023 can tell you all you need to know before purchasing a hairpiece and how to choose the right one step by step.
Choosing the Right Kind of Wig for Yourself
People buy and wear wigs for two main reasons: Some are just for cosmetic purposes while others are for medical reasons. As a result, there are fashion wigs and medical wigs to meet your needs.
Therefore, the first step in choosing the right kind of wig for yourself is:
Obviously, there are some differences between these two, as medical wigs are made more delicately. You can learn more about their differences here.
But this is not all, hair systems are categorized based on some other criteria as well. Such as their fiber, how they are constructed, the material, etc. And, this is where it gets complicated. They will be discussed in this guide to buying wigs in 2023.
Which Fiber Type?
The hair used in hair pieces comes in two different fiber types: Real human hair and artificial hair.
Real human hair wigs, as its name implies, are made of natural hair. This human hair can come from different regions, such as Europe, India, China, etc. Each has its own benefits, but European hair wigs are mostly considered the best quality type of natural hair. (Learn more about natural hair types used in hair systems here.)
On the other hand, some wigs are made of artificial materials called synthetic wigs. Of course, they look less natural than real human hair wigs, but they are less expensive, easier to maintain, and come in various styles and colors. Although, as the material is artificial, synthetic wigs are not usually a suitable option for sensitive skins.
The choice between these two types of fiber is mostly up to you, your lifestyle, and the reason you want to wear the wig. Therefore, the next step before making your decision about your wig type is:
If you cannot decide which option is more suitable for you, call us for a free consultation.
Custom Wig or Stock Wig
If you prefer your wig to seem more natural and more fitted to your head, you should order a custom-made wig. Custom wigs are crafted specially for you. This means it is made according to your head size, and hairline, and even accommodates enough room for your own hair under the wig.
On the contrary, stock or ready-made wigs are crafted according to some standard sizes (small, medium, and large). It is possible to customize it to some extent and adjust it to your head, but this process can be costly. Although, compared to custom wigs, stock wigs are generally more economical. Moreover, most stock hair systems are synthetic.
So, the next decision to make about your ideal wig is:
If you decide to order a custom wig, we offer high-quality European hair custom wigs. Give us a call for more information.
Different Cap Types
The cap of a wig is the part that is in contact with your scalp and the hair strands are attached to it. It can come in different constructions and materials, which is why there are different types of wigs based on the cap type. So, the next step would be:
There are five main cap types you must get familiar with before making up your mind. Let’s go over them one by one and learn about their pros and cons.
Open-cap Wigs
One of the most economical base types is open-cap wigs or wefted wigs. Sometimes we use the term ‘capless’ to refer to this type as well. The base is made of a durable, breathable, and stretchy material with fibers that are attached by a machine. Therefore, you cannot expect a great natural look or versatility from open-cap wigs. But they are easy to maintain and last longer.
Monofilament Caps
The material used in these caps is thin, light, and looks like gauze. They are breathable, durable, and easy to match the color of the base to your skin. The hair strands are usually tied by hand which gives it an exquisite natural look. Another benefit of 100% hand-tied caps is that you are free to style them in various ways (Although, some monofilament caps are hand-tied just in the crown area). Besides, the gentle construction and material of monofilament caps have made them a suitable option for sensitive skins.
Of course, all these benefits come at a price. Another drawback can be less hair volume compared to other cap types, because of fewer hair fibers.
Full Lace and Lace Front Caps
The cap is made of mesh lace which makes it comfortable to wear, easy to match with your skin, breathable, and light. As the cap is sheer, it is almost invisible. Like monofilament caps, most lace caps are hand-tied and each fiber is attached separately. All these features create a versatile natural-looking hair system.
Lace wigs are categorized into full lace wigs and lace front wigs.
Full lace: This means the whole base is made of sheer mesh lace. That is why they can be more expensive but more versatile and realistic.
Lace front: This means only the front part of the base is made of sheer mesh lace. This limits your options for styling your wig to some extent. For example, you cannot have a high ponytail.
Lace wigs are the most popular cap types but they have their own disadvantages. One of the main flaws is the difficulty in maintaining the wig due to its delicate cap material. It is also a challenge when you want to remove the tape or adhesive from the cap, which can damage the base and reduce its life span.
Combo Caps
The hair fibers in combo or combination cap wigs are attached with both hand and machine. Actually, the fibers of the back and the sides, which are less noticeable spots, are sewn by a machine, but the top or the crown of the wig, where you need to part for styling and is more noticeable, are tied by hand. As a result, they are less expensive than 100% hand-knotted caps, but still more natural and realistic than open-cap wigs.
Like monofilament caps, they are light and breathable, however, you cannot have an updo or a high ponytail.
Poly Caps
Poly is the short form of polyurethane and refers to a kind of base that looks very much like a real scalp. The cap does not stretch and that is why it does not fit well on heads that are covered by natural hair. It is best suited to completely bald scalps.
Poly or thin skin wigs are genuinely natural, easy to secure on the head and remove, and easy to clean and maintain, with great styling options.
Despite its realistic appearance, the material can get a bit hot and uncomfortable. Poly wigs can be also expensive and necessary to pay some extra money to adjust the size to your head because the base does not stretch.
Length, Color, and Texture of the Hair
Last but definitely not least to consider before purchasing your wig is its length, color, and texture. Although many would think having a wig that is very much different from your natural hair is the right thing to do for having some varieties, experts usually recommend ones that are closer to your own hair both for the color and texture (straight, wavy, and curly). The reason is that the wig will look more natural on you because it matches your skin better. Especially, if it is your first wig, go for something more similar to your own natural hair color and texture.
About the length (short, mid-length, and long) and the style, you should consider your lifestyle as well as the shape of your face before making up your mind. Therefore, the next step in our experts’ guide to buying wigs in 2023 is:
Trying on different wigs can also help you make a better decision.
After these five steps, you should find a trustworthy shop to buy your wig. Choose shops that have their own accomplished wig experts (like our hair loss centers in Los Angelos, San Diego, and Orange County) to get professional help in the process, especially if you are looking for a medical wig.
What Kinds of Wigs Are Trending in 2023?
If you are planning to buy a new wig for 2023, it is good to know about the new trends in the world of wigs.
Generally speaking, it seems that wavy and curly wigs will be in style in 2023 more than straight ones. But about the style, there are three trending wigs that are going to be popular in the new year.
Long bobs
Bobs is one of the most popular hairstyles. This year, long bob wigs are more fashionable.
Short and Straight
Although textured wigs are trending, short straight cuts are still in vogue in 2023.
Short Fringe
Short fringe may not look good on every face, but for those who are a fan short curly fringe is a new trend in 2023.
Tips for Choosing the Right Wig in 2023
We finish our guide to buying wigs in 2023 by giving you some general tips to consider before purchasing anything.
Do some research about the wig shop or the company. Make sure they are professional and provide help and consultation for the customers.
If you want to buy a ready-made wig, have the measurements of your head before buying. You should know the circumference of your head in centimeters or inches.
If it is not your first stock wig and you are planning to buy from another company, do not trust the size. Some companies use different sizes and the standard small, medium, and large can be a bit different from one brand to the next. Check the size every time you want to buy a stock wig.
Newport Hair Loss Center Is Ready to Help
Our hair loss center provides real human hair wigs both for medical purposes and cosmetics. Our wigs are made of high-quality European hair in different styles, caps, colors, etc. We offer free professional consultations to our customers to guide them through the confusing process of choosing their ideal hair system. For our custom wigs, come by our centers in Los Angelos (310-991-0087), San Diego (949-640-4247), and Newport (949-322-9555).
Although this experts’ guide to buying wigs in 2023 has given you all the necessary information, for more you can fill out this form here or give us a call.
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