Nine Facts about Wearing Wigs to Consider Before Buying a Wig
In Today’s fast speedy world, wigs have proved to be useful. You no longer need to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror to have a new hairstyle. You can simply put on a wig and there you have it! A brand-new look that can enchant anyone. However, using hair systems is not as simple as you see in ads. There can be some difficulties, and even drawbacks, as well. So, make sure you consider the following facts about wearing wigs before purchasing one.
We are going to discuss different aspects of using hair systems for men and women from an objective point of view to help you make the right decision for yourself.
Myths and Facts about Wearing Wigs
When you see an ad, read a blog post, watch a YouTube video, read a fashion magazine article, see a celebrity on TV, etc., you get a lot of information about hair pieces, human hair wigs, synthetic wigs, and many other types of wigs. But it might not all be true.
There are some myths and facts about wearing wigs and some pros and cons that you have to take into account before deciding to buy one. Let’s go over them one by one.
1. Wigs and Your Natural Hair Health Issues
When we want to do something new, one of the first factors we consider is if there will be some health-related consequences for us. Wigs are a double-edged sword when it comes to health issues.
- It is believed that wearing wigs is a good way to protect your real hair from changing styles (or any other harm, such as sunlight, chemicals, etc.) too often. This is true. If you have to style your hair frequently by using hair straighteners, curling irons, hair mousse, and other devices and products, your real hair will soon get seriously damaged. In this case, wearing wigs can provide some protection for your natural hair. This is something that many celebrities and models do.
- On the other hand, if you do not have to change your hairstyle too often and you are not exposed to any other harmful elements, wearing wigs frequently can increase the risk of hair loss. Especially, parts of your scalp/hair that help to keep your wig in place will start losing hair.
It is up to you to decide which one of these will be healthier for your natural hair.
2. Wigs and Their Maintenance: Is It Time-Consuming?
Wigs are either made of natural human hair or artificial materials. Both need to be taken care of if you want them to stay in good shape for long. Many people buy wigs to change their hairstyles instantly without spending time (and of course money) at hair salons or in front of their own mirror. It may not be this simple though.
Like your own hair, you have to wash wigs, brush them, and dry them. They also need to be stored properly. But the amount of time you need to maintain them depends on the type of wig. (Check out this page to find out more about maintaining each type of hair.)
Synthetic wigs, which are made of artificial materials, are easier to maintain. Of course, you will have to wash and store them properly, but they do not need to be styled every time they get wet, or after sleep.
Human hair wigs, on the contrary, lose their style as often as your own natural hair. So, you will have to spend some time styling them. Besides, it must be done with care as the wigs are delicate. But human hair wigs are exquisitely natural-looking.
So, if you want to wear a wig solely for the purpose of saving time, human hair wigs will not do much for you.
3. People Cannot Notice Your Wig; True or False?
One of the important facts about wearing wigs is that people can tell. Although many are worried about people noticing their wigs, it is not a big deal. Wearing wigs is not embarrassing, it is a fashion choice. Many celebrities wear them, and you can notice them at first glimpse. However, if you choose high-quality human hair wigs, especially those styles whose hairline is not that visible or they are custom-made, many people will not be able to tell.
4. Are Expensive Wigs Worth the Money?
As mentioned above, hair systems are crafted with both natural hair and artificial synthetic fibers. It is not surprising that real hair wigs are more expensive, as they look more natural, they can be styled and dyed, and they are more durable.
Another factor that is determinant in a wig’s price is how it is crafted. Are the strands hand-sewn? If yes, they are much more natural-looking and smooth.
Therefore, expensive wigs are costly due to their higher quality and better look. If the quality is important to you, then expensive wigs are worth the money you pay for them.
Read this article to learn more about high-quality human hair wigs.
5. How Easy and Fast You Can Fix a Wig on Your Head?
There are various methods for securing a wig or a hairpiece on your head, including clips, wig tapes, bonding adhesives, and elastic bands. Some of these are easier to use and remove (clips and bands), while others are more long-lasting (tapes and adhesives). Therefore, the method you choose to fix your wig on your head matters. But generally, it is not too difficult or time-consuming.
Another contributing factor is the wig’s hairstyle. Longer styles, such as women’s long wigs, are much easier to wear and secure. It is also not that noticeable if they get tilted a bit. But shorter wigs or toupees are more challenging and can get sloped relatively easily. That is why men usually have to spend more time fixing their hair systems on their scalps.
If you are a man or prefer shorter hairstyles, see here to learn how to make your wig stay on firmly.
6. You Can Do Your Daily Activities While Wearing a Wig; Right or Wrong?
When it comes to discussing myths and facts about wearing wigs, it is impossible not to talk about this factor. Many wig wearers need to have their wigs on almost all the time. They want to know if they can exercise, walk in the sunlight, sleep, and do other routines with their wigs on, without worrying about it.
As a matter of fact, it is true. You can live your normal life with a wig, but it depends on the wig and the method you use to secure it.
Human hair hairpieces and hair systems are more suitable for this purpose. Synthetic wigs cannot tolerate heat. For example, if you are walking on a summer day, your wig can get really damaged. They also make your head too hot.
Moreover, if you want to do your daily activities, such as exercising (even swimming), without worrying about your wig getting sloped, it is recommended to use bonding adhesives to secure your hair system firmly on your head. The holding can last for a couple of weeks.
7. Do Cancer or Alopecia Patients Have to Wear a Wig?
Some medical conditions, such as alopecia, cancer (chemotherapy), and thyroid, can lead to severe hair loss. These patients are usually encouraged by their specialists to get a medical wig, also called a cranial prosthesis. For some, especially alopecia and chemo patients, it is not just hair loss. Their scalp can also get sensitive. For these cases, covering the scalp is necessary to protect it. Some prefer hats or scarves, but a medical wig can be a better choice.
Medical wigs, like alopecia wigs, chemotherapy wigs (or cancer wigs), thyroid wigs, etc., not only boost the patient’s confidence but also are designed and crafted in a way to comfort the sensitive scalp and protect it against elements and materials that can cause further complications. In addition, they are easier to wear and take off.
Therefore, cancer, alopecia, thyroid, and other patients experiencing hair loss can benefit greatly from wearing a medical wig. But they have to only use medical wigs. Learn more about cranial prostheses here.
8. Custom Wigs or Stock Wigs, Which Is More Convenient?
Custom-designed wigs are tailored to fit your head, so it is specially made for you. Stock wigs, on the other hand, come in different sizes that you can choose from. But they may not fit you perfectly. In this case, you can have it customized. It means a wigmaker tries to adjust the size a bit to make it fit better on your scalp.
Besides, if you order a custom wig, you will have a say in the choice of fabric, design, style, etc. The wig expert will also give you some advice for a better outcome.
In all, as custom wigs fit better and more easily on your head and they look more natural, they are by far a more convenient choice, particularly for medical wigs. However, they are more expensive.
Check out our custom human hair wigs to see the difference.
9. Health Insurance Covers Some Wigs; Is This a Myth?
One of the less discussed facts about wearing wigs and buying wigs is if health insurance covers your wig or not. The short answer is some of them cover (fully or partially) wigs, but only cranial prostheses (medical wigs), not fashion wigs.
It depends on your health insurance company and its plan. If you want to get a medical wig, you have to talk to your insurance agent before purchasing one. You have to provide some documents to get reimbursed. Read this blog to find out how and what insurance companies cover a wig.
New Port Hair Loss Center Can Help You More If You Have Decided to Buy a Wig
For many years now, we have dedicated ourselves to making only high-quality real hair systems and hair care products. Our primary concerns have always been chemo and alopecia patients, as well as other people that are experiencing hair loss. Over the years, our hair loss experts and wig experts have become quite competent and experienced. That is why, we can lead you in choosing the right wig for yourself or purchasing one at our three branches in Los Angelos (310-991-0087), Orange County (949-640-4247), and San Diego (949-322-9555).
We take pride in putting a smile on your face.
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240 Newport Center Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
4660 La Jolla Village Dr. Suite100
San Diego, CA 92122
Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.
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