Cancer Fighting Foods Cancer Fighting Foods

Foods That Prevent Cancer & Cancer Fighting Foods


Did you know that a balanced lifestyle and having foods that prevent cancer in the diet can prevent 30%-40% of all kinds of cancer CAN, Taking immune-boosting supplements and probiotics, and even juicing can make you feel more hopeful when battling cancer?

We all know that cancer is recognized worldwide as a major health problem affecting millions of people. Each year, at least 1 million people in the US alone get cancer. According to a study done in 2009, an estimate of 560,400 deaths from cancer was projected to happen in the US, every single year.

What is the main reason for the high rate of cancer? It’s mainly due to irregular behaviors of specific cells, usually resulting in cancer cell progression, tumor growth, or metastasis.

Most cancer survivors have been fortunate enough to use a remedy of natural cancer treatments themselves from home, rather than the traditional medical treatments in order to fight the disease. This unique approach can help support the entire mind and body system!


What are the top foods that prevent cancer?


foods cancer fighting


Leafy Green Vegetables

Kale, spinach, collard greens, arugula, watercress, romaine, are all very rich in antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamin C.



Blueberries, cherries, strawberries, goji berries, raspberries, blackberries are known as one of the top high-antioxidant foods in the world. Berries are full of vitamin A, vitamin C, and gallic acid. Gallic acid is a strong antiviral/antifungal agent that can boost your immune system.


Organic Meats

For cancer-fighting patients, organic meat is recommended due to its high vitamin B12. Organic chicken liver or beef can provide selenium, zinc, and B vitamins to help purify the blood.



This special spice contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has already been proven to decrease tumor size and fight breast and colon cancer. Additionally, other herbs such as raw garlic, thyme, ginger, basil, parsley, oregano, and cayenne pepper can act as strong immune system boosters.


Orange-Colored Vegetables & Fruits

How many brightly, orange-colored fruits and veggies can you name at the top of your head? Think of all the possibilities such as sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, and all citrus fruits!

Many different types of “carotenoids” can be found through orange-colored foods, such as alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin, and beta-carotene.

Carotenoids have been proven to improve liver health, fight cancers of the eyes, organs, or skin. It is also a great source of reliable detoxification.


Start Juicing!

Juicing has been a fad that has been in and out of mainstream media for a while. I remember in the early nineties my Mom decided it was time for us to start juicing.

I was used to random hippie craze changes to my diet (i.e. liquid garlic drops, no milk, no cheese, greens) and I remember being open to this new way of eating.

I was nine years old and loved juice! I loved pineapple juice, coconut juice, orange juice, etc., but when my Mom started to bust out lbs. of carrots and kale, I grew suspicious.

After a good half, an hour of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­pressing raw vegetables into a juicing machine the health elixir was ready. It looked more like mud than juice. I tentatively grabbed the glass and took a sip. To be frank, it tasted horrible and I vowed never to touch that elixir again.

Now as a more health-conscious adult I find myself circling back to the health fads that my hippie Mom “imposed” on me. Juicing has several benefits and provides essential nutrients and vitamins that we are lacking in our normal diets.

Our bodies were designed to eat on a wide omnivorous spectrum, but there needs to be balanced to process both meat and vegetable properly in our digestive tract. If you honestly look at your day to day diet what is missing the most?

You got it, fruits and vegetables! It’s hard to eat the daily recommended dose as well. Who has time to chop up and eat all those different vegetables? This is where juicing comes in handy.

Fresh pressed juice is filled with natural, vitamins, living enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants which are great for your health. You can’t just choose to juice sugary fruits or just eat a ton of avocados, you’re going to need to get a little raw.

Incorporate a variety of vegetables into your juice like kale, garlic, cucumber, celery, coconut oil, etc. Get creative, but make sure there’s a variety. Unfortunately, if your juice tastes raw and earth-like, it most likely means you’re juicing correctly.


Juicing Benefits | Newport Hair Loss Center


Benefits of Juicing

  1. It allows more nutrients to be absorbed because your gut doesn’t need to digest all that fiber
  2. It allows you to consume a wider range of vegetables which allows your body to get more nutrients3. It feeds good bacteria to the gut
  3. It helps maintain health and prevent/fight cancer
  4. It helps lower high cholesterol
  5. It helps detoxify our bodies
  6. It helps lower blood sugar levels
  7. It helps us get better skin
  8. Improves Athletic Performance



What are some foods that increase cancer risk?

  • Sugar
  • Conventional Dairy
  • Refined Oils
  • Refined Carbs
  • Farm-Raised Meat


What are some cancer-fighting supplements?

  • Superfoods
  • Vitamin D
  • Potassium Compound
  • Vitamin B12/B Vitamin Complex
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamin C
  • Pancreatic Enzymes
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids



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