Hereditary Hair Loss (Everything You Wanted to Know)
Men and women experience hair loss due to a number of reasons. One of the reasons is the baldness genetics. In fact, genetic hair loss is very common as well as normal. According to a recent report published by the Harvard Medical School, 40% of all men and women lose their hair or suffer from hair thinning due to hereditary hair loss. Though it is not possible to fully cure such a condition, there are certainly ways and methods that can help you stop or slow down the process. But how will you find out whether the hair loss or baldness you are experiencing is due to heredity or other temporary and abnormal reasons?
What is Hereditary Hair Loss?
Hereditary baldness pattern is a natural condition, which affects a lot of men and women due to their inherited genes.
This type of hair loss or thinning is, therefore, not actually a disease. In fact, it is induced by a change in hormone levels or as people advance in age. Such scalp conditions are also termed androgenetic alopecia or hereditary alopecia. This hair loss condition is more common in men than it is in women. If you suffer from genetic hair loss, it means it runs in your family.
How to Know If Your Hair Loss is Genetic
When you start to lose hair, the first important thing is to be sure whether you truly have a condition and then determine whether the condition is genetic or due to some other reasons. It is normal for a person to lose 100 hairs per day. If you see a couple of hair strands on the pillow or in the comb, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are suffering from hair loss or male or female pattern baldness.
Hereditary-pattern baldness starts gradually and then it progresses and the scalp condition becomes severe. If you start to lose hair due to your genetics, the hair loss follows a specific M-shaped pattern.
In a genetic hair loss condition, you will begin to lose hair first at the temples and crown. Then the condition progresses and acquires an M-shaped pattern.
If you see this pattern, you should know that your condition is due to a genetic disorder that combines a change in hormone levels and advancement in age. Genetic hair thinning or hereditary baldness is less common in women. Most of the time, it is men who experience and suffer from this particular type of hair loss, hair thinning, or pattern baldness.
On the other hand, if the hair loss begins at the back of your head or if you lose hair in patches or clumps, you can be sure that the culprit is not your genes. There are other reasons behind such conditions.
Hereditary Hair Loss in Females
Hereditary hair loss in females is referred to as female pattern baldness. Like it has been stated before, this type of hair loss is less common in females. Still, some women will lose their hair due to their genetics.
Many people falsely believe that genetic hair loss in females passes from the mother’s side. This is only a misconception. Hereditary hair loss can pass down to daughters from either the father’s side or the mother’s side. Female pattern baldness can affect women at any age. However, it is more common for affected women to lose their hair after their menopause. The condition first affects females around the age of 30 and then it slowly progresses. By the age of 40, the hair loss condition becomes noticeable. If you notice that you have this type of scalp condition, you should consult with a doctor or a hair loss expert as soon as possible.
Hereditary pattern baldness is determined by the specific pattern the condition follows and the family history of hair loss.
Male Hereditary Hair Loss
In men, genetic hair loss or hair thinning is referred to as male pattern baldness. Men experience this kind of hair loss as they advance in age. It is surprising to know that 90% of all men lose their hair due to male pattern baldness genetics. By the time men are 50 years of age or older, male pattern baldness would have already affected them – at different rates in various geographic locations.
Most men start to suffer from hair loss by the time they reach the age of 30. After that, the condition progresses as time passes. However, this age limit for losing hair is not written in stone. Past puberty, men can experience issues of hair thinning or baldness at just any age. The rate of losing hair, however, varies from one person to another. Some men lose their hair at a faster rate than others. How quickly or slowly you will lose your hair depends on the baldness genes inherited by your father or mother. Due to genetics, the growth phase of your hair shortens and the hair follicles become smaller, which inhibits hair growth.
What is the Genetic Hair Loss Treatment?
It is difficult to regrow the hair that you have lost due to your genetics. Since this is a condition which passes down from parents to their children, significant regeneration is not possible, if at all. If this scalp condition affects you at an early age, you can expect it to increase as time passes.
However, there are certain treatment options that offer help to deal with genetic hair loss. The hair will not regrow, but the process can be stopped or slowed down. The point is to identify the issue in time.
While you are getting the treatment to slow the process of losing hair, it is ideal to use ways to also conceal your hair loss. Often, hair loss leads to the loss of confidence and self-esteem. Many people tend to withdraw from social circles, simply because they feel sad and depressed.
Thanks to the advent of human hair wigs, they offer both men and women an excellent way to cover their hair loss and pattern baldness and restore the lost charm of their lives. Hair wigs manufactured from 100% original human hair give you the naturalness of your own hair. Plus, you can always get your selected hair wig custom-fitted for your head size.
Top pieces are also an ideal solution to cover pattern baldness both in men and women. At the Newport Hair Loss Center, you can select from NC 500 Lace, T Zone, French Top, Petite French, etc.
Learn more about Wigs vs. Hair Pieces vs. Top Pieces
How to Prevent Genetics Baldness?
The fact is you cannot alter your genes to reverse hair loss. However, you can definitely take some crucial steps to strengthen your hair, so as to give them a longer life. Here are some tips for you to follow:
Take Dietary Protein
Hair is made up of a number of components. The most important and the major one among them is keratin, a type of protein. If you plan to have healthy and strong hair, you should include protein-rich food items in your diet. Rich food sources of protein include fish, chicken, eggs, meat, nuts, grains, etc. Taking these food items will boost normal hair production.
Take a Biotin Supplement
Also called vitamin H, biotin is a type of vitamin that helps prevent hair loss and boosts the growth of new hair. If you suffer from hair loss, deficiency of this vitamin could be the reason. So, it is a good idea to either take a biotin supplement or include biotin-rich foods in your diet. Rich sources of biotin include foods such as oats, nuts, spinach, whole grains, sardines, carrots, beef, chicken, etc. Also, use a biotin system to prevent hair loss or hair thinning. Amani Biotin System is a highly recommended product for you.
Treat Your Hair Gently
If you are suffering from hereditary male or female pattern baldness, you should take good care of your hair. Stop pulling or fiddling with your hair. Use hairstyles that are not too tight. Invest in top quality hair care products (Amani Hair Care and Beauty Products are highly recommended). Also, avoid exposing your hair to high temperatures or excessive heat.
Prepare to Hide Your Hair Loss
There are multiple ways to conceal your hair loss. Some of the best options you can use include hair wigs, hairpieces and hair transplants. If you are not ready to go for a hair transplant, the ideal option is to use human hair wigs.
At Newport Hair Loss Center, we help a lot of hair loss patients cover their hair loss with meticulously hand-crafted hair wigs, made from 100% European human hair. Whether you want to add more length or volume to your hair, our hair replacement solutions will always be a great match. To schedule your consultation with one of your experts, you can reach out to our office in Los Angeles, Orange County, or San Diego via a phone call. Or, you can write us an email using the contact form on our website.
Beverly Hills
8383 Wilshire Blvd, First Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90211
240 Newport Center Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
4660 La Jolla Village Dr. Suite100
San Diego, CA 92122
Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.
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