What is a Half Wig? – Everything You Need to Know
For the layman, the hair wig terminology can sometimes be confusing. If you are new to the world of wigs, you will need a little research or help from an experienced person to understand what is what. However, there are some terms which are self-explanatory. One such term is ‘half wig.’
Have you heard about half wigs or half head wigs yet? The world of hair wigs is always evolving, bringing men and women many more options for head coverage than before. If you have lost your hair or want to achieve a new fashionable hair style, you will find a number of options to choose from.
‘Half wig’ is a blanket term which is used to refer to an entire category of partial wigs. If you are searching for a perfectly suitable hair wig for your specific need, you should definitely understand what a half wig actually is, why you should wear it and how to choose the best half wig. We’ll talk about all this and a lot more. So, keep reading!
A half wig or a half hair wig offers only partial head coverage, hence the name. The term ‘half wig’ is actually a general term which could refer to multiple types of partial hair wigs. Since this wig covers only half part of the scalp, your own hair still remains visible. If you have lost your hair partially or want to add more volume to the top of your own hair, half wigs are the way to go.
Therefore, the term ‘half wig’ can be used to refer to:
- Half head wigs
- True half wigs
- Hair extensions
- Wiglets
- Hair accessories
- Toppers
- Top Pieces
The main purpose of wearing a half wig human hair is to add fullness and glamor to your existing natural locks. These wigs are crafted in a skillful manner with the use of high quality soft mesh caps.
Why You Should Wear a Half Wig?
Half wigs are designed by experts to help men, women and kids dealing with hair loss problems. Other people can also wear these wigs to fulfill their specific needs. All you need to do is choose the right wig.
Add Length: If your hair loss has resulted in short-length hair, you will find hair wigs quite useful. Half wigs made from real human hair will instantly add more length to your bio hair helping you achieve a nice look.
Add Volume: Many times, people lose hair volume due to partial hair loss. If you want to increase your hair volume, you should definitely wear half head wigs made from human hair. These wigs are designed to blend seamlessly with your own hair while creating a super natural look.
New Hairstyles: You can use half wigs to satiate your real fashion pangs as well. The half wigs category includes a variety of partial hair wigs that you can wear to look more glamorous and elegant. If you have short hair or less hair on your scalp, half wig human hair offers an ideal solution.
Coverage for Hair Loss: Men, women and kids can lose their hair partially due to many health conditions or genetic disorders. If you have lost your hair due to alopecia or as a result of medications, you can use a half wig which is an ideal match for your problem. It is a good idea to consult with a hair loss expert to find out more about these wigs and how you can get the most out of them.
How to Choose the Right Half Wig
The term ‘half wig’ sounds quite simple. However, getting the right type of half wig for your specific needs can be difficult, especially if you are to the vast world of hair wigs. Feel confident that you will always find a wig which is an exact match for your head size, color and style.
Before you head over to a wig store to purchase a half wig, you should determine what your problem is. All hair losses are not the same. You may be suffering from partial hair loss which can gain be either mild, moderate or severe.
You may also look for a half wig to add more length and volume to your own natural hair. For example, extensions and accessory hair are best for adding length and volume whereas a topper or wiglet is a good solution for partial hair loss. In the market out there, you will come across many different types of hair wigs. If you are planning for the best look and maximum comfort, you should prefer buying wigs made from real human hair, from a reputed hair loss center such as the Newport Hair Loss Center.
Selection of color is an important concern when you are out to get yourself a half wig or half head wig made from human hair. Unless the wig is the right color, people will notice you are wearing a wig. With the help of a professional, you will be able to find the right wig with the right color, texture and style.
Human hair half wigs made from human hair function just like your hair. This means you will be able to color them or curl or straighten them as per your choice, so as to achieve a flawless appearance.
Who Needs to Wear a Half Wig?
Full wigs and half wigs serve different purposes. Wearing a full wig is not ideal, if what you need is a half wig. As mentioned before, a half hair wig is for people who are looking for only partial head coverage.
If your chemo is just beginning, you are not the right candidate for full wigs. In the initial stages of hair loss (which means losing hair partially), the best coverage option is a half head wig. Whether you have medical hair loss or need a fashionable look, you will find half wigs perfect in both cases. Think of half wigs as ‘hair enhancers.’ Most of all, half wigs are available in a wide variety of shades, styles, textures etc. Half wigs are crafted specially for people with some hair loss.
Do You Have More Questions?
Selecting the right half wigs can be confusing for many people. If you are looking for expert help in this regard, feel free to reach out to one of our hair loss professionals at the Newport Hair Loss Center in Los Angeles, San Diego and Newport Beach.
We manufacture and custom-design a wide variety of wigs for men, women and kids. Our experts will answer all your queries and address your doubts so that you can make a well-informed decision and choose the right half wig for your hair loss.
Beverly Hills
8383 Wilshire Blvd, First Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90211
240 Newport Center Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
4660 La Jolla Village Dr. Suite100
San Diego, CA 92122
Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.
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